Freedom Force

Review Date: March 27, 2021 Release Date: April 1, 1988 Platform: NES Developer: Sunsoft Genre: Zapper Anecdotes: By time the other set of cousins had an NES, the system had now included the Zapper and Duck Hunt with it. Those cousins had an odd set of games, but didn’t have a lot of them. While… Continue reading Freedom Force

Wild Gunman

Review Date: February 11, 2021 Release Date: October 18, 1985 Platform: NES Developer: Nintendo Genre: Zapper Anecdotes: Yeah, we kids loved our Nintendo and its games. It was a fantasy world where we thought we were better than we really were. We had games figured out. We were good at them. That illusion totally vanished… Continue reading Wild Gunman

Hogan’s Alley

Review Date: February 10, 2021 Release Date: October 18, 1985 Platform: NES Developer: Nintendo Genre: Zapper Anecdotes: In the early NES days, the light gun was heavily promoted and there were three games that required use of it. After that, it was largely forgotten. After the trio of Duck Hunt, Hogan’s Alley, and Wild Gunman… Continue reading Hogan’s Alley