Yoshi’s Story

Information: Review Date: July 11, 2021 Release Date: March 10, 1998 Platform: Nintendo 64 Developer: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo Genre: Linear Platformer Anecdotes: I don’t know what happened to the Super Mario series. It got infected with the same virus that eventually hit the Final Fantasy series. Instead of continuing with the platformers that made the… Continue reading Yoshi’s Story

Yoshi’s Island

Game Data: Review Date: June 25, 2021 Release Date: October 4, 1995 Platform: SNES Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Nintendo Genre: Linear Platformer Anecdotes: It looks like Nintendo was cranking up the marketing garbage again. The title of this game is technically “Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island.” Anyone that has actually played the game, though, knows… Continue reading Yoshi’s Island

Super Mario Kart

Review Date: May 24, 2021 Release Date: September 1, 1992 Platform: SNES Publisher: Nintendo Genre: Racing Anecdotes: One night in 1996, my aunt and uncle decided to have a pig roast party. They had nearly all of the family there, plus a good portion of their block. Obviously, I already knew all of my cousins… Continue reading Super Mario Kart

Mario Paint

Review Date: May 23, 2021 Release Date: August 1, 1992 Platform: SNES Publisher: Nintendo Genre: Creation Anecdotes: While hanging out in the city with some other humans, we’d be finding all sorts of things to do outside, kind of like a daycamp. It was getting later in the season, so the sun was going down… Continue reading Mario Paint

Super Mario World

Review Date: May 6, 2021 Release Date: August 23, 1991 Platform: SNES Publisher: Nintendo Genre: Linear Platformer Anecdotes: At the start of 1991, Super Mateo wasn’t quite Super yet. I really enjoyed the NES and the tons of games we had for it. However, as a faithful reader of Nintendo Power, I had heard about… Continue reading Super Mario World