Tecmo Bowl

Review Date: April 9, 2021 Release Date: February 1, 1989 Platform: NES Publisher: No idea. I think it began with a T? Genre: Sports Anecdotes: Before 1985, nobody in my house cared about football. The 1985 Bears, however, changed that. They were a phenomenon that took over Chicago. Naturally, the video game medium started trying… Continue reading Tecmo Bowl


Review Date: March 4, 2021 Release Date: July 1, 1987 Platform: NES Publisher: Tecmo Genre: Nonlinear Platformer Anecdotes: One of my classmates in fifth grade had a Nintendo just like us. He was a bit odd (he’d call the Super Mario star a “stargeezer”), but he enjoyed the games. We compared game collections, and even… Continue reading Rygar