Final Fantasy VIII

Information: Review Date: July 19, 2021 Release Date: September 9, 1999 Platform: PlayStation Publisher: Square Developer: Square Genre: RPG Anecdotes: “……” Description: Irvine: Shut up, get lost, and bleep off. He acts like he’s God’s gift to women when really he’s just a creep. He won’t leave the women alone. He also keeps stopping me… Continue reading Final Fantasy VIII

Final Fantasy VII

Information: Review Date: July 7, 2021 Release Date: September 7, 1997 Platform: PlayStation Publisher: Square Developer: Square Genre: RPG Anecdotes: First off, the July 7 thing is just a coincidence, but once I saw it, I made sure not to change it. Final Fantasy VII is the most popular game in the series. It has… Continue reading Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy VI

Game Data: Review Date: June 16, 2021 Release Date: October 11, 1994 Platform: SNES Publisher: Square Developer: Square Genre: RPG Anecdotes: When I told my brother I was thinking of trying Final Fantasy, THIS was the game he recommended I play first. He had good things to say about the game, which, naturally, made me… Continue reading Final Fantasy VI

Final Fantasy V

Game Data: Review Date: May 30, 2021 Release Date: December 6, 1992 Platform: SNES, sort of Publisher: Square Developer: Square Genre: RPG Description: Ex-Death was set loose again to wreak havoc on the world. A new team of warriors is given the task of putting him away for good. As usual, I’ll list the characters… Continue reading Final Fantasy V

Final Fantasy IV

Review Date: May 14, 2021 Release Date: November 23, 1991 Platform: SNES** (see footnote) Publisher: Squaresoft Genre: RPG Anecdotes: Final Fantasy IV has been released 85,273 times for 1,395,569 systems. There is practically a unique FF4 for every gamer. In Japan, they had a Hard Type and an Easy Type. For North America, though, there… Continue reading Final Fantasy IV

Final Fantasy III

Review Date: April 21, 2021 Release Date: April 27, 1990 Platform: NES Famicom Publisher: Squaresoft Genre: RPG Anecdotes: It’s quite the travesty that the original version of this game never made it to North America. Of the three NES titles, this one is easily the best. Many of the traditions that define the Final Fantasy… Continue reading Final Fantasy III

Final Fantasy II

Review Date: April 8, 2021 Release Date: December 17, 1988 Platform: NES Publisher: Square Genre: Role Playing Game Anecdotes: Final Fantasy fans can be very fickle. The main series is at 15 games as of this writing with a 16th in development. I bet that if I surveyed 100 people and asked them to rank… Continue reading Final Fantasy II

Final Fantasy

Review Date: March 19, 2021 Release Date: December 18, 1987 (Japanese date used to keep the games in release order) Platform: NES Developer: Squaresoft Genre: Role Playing Anecdotes: My brother was a huge fan of Dungeons and Dragons. He found a game he felt was similar, so we had the Final Fantasy cartridge. However, I… Continue reading Final Fantasy