Shamus: Case II

Review Date: January 27, 2021 Release Date: Unleashed sometime in 1983 Platform: Atari 800 Developer: Synapse Genre: Completely Revamped Action Platformer (C.R.A.P.) Anecdotes: So, not every game on the list is a game I played at release. Some I barely played at all. Some I have never played. Then there is Shamus Case II, which… Continue reading Shamus: Case II


Review Date: January 21, 2021 Release Date: Autumn 1982 Platform: Atari 800 Genre: ????? Anecdotes: Synapse made such a great game in Shamus, so we thought, why not try out another Synapse game? It sounded like a good idea, so my dad somehow acquired Nautilus. It was on cassette, labeled Nautilus (0-109), give or take… Continue reading Nautilus


Game Basics: Review Date: January 16, 2021 (Revised on March 26, 2022) Release Date: A Glorious Day in 1982 Platform: Atari 800 Publisher: Synapse Developer: Synapse Genre: Shooter THIS is the game that really started my love of gaming. I was addicted to this game. I memorized everything about this game by the time I… Continue reading Shamus