
Review Date: January 6, 2021 Release Date: November Something, 1978 Platform: Atari 2600 Genre: Puzzle Anecdotes: Back as a child, I played an NES game called Arkanoid. Arkanoid was a ton of fun, with a “Vaus” hitting a ball trying to knock out blocks. There were also capsules that fell to cause all sorts of… Continue reading Breakout

Miniature Golf

January 5 Game: Miniature Golf Release Date: A bad day in 1978 Platform: Atari 2600 Genre: Sports Anecdotes: “Hey, this looks fun!” “Let’s play.” “What’s that little dot?” “The ball.” “What is the big box that I can move?” “That’s supposed to be your club.” “What do I do?” “Well, you move the big box,… Continue reading Miniature Golf

Human Cannonball

January 4 Game: Human Cannonball Release Date: January Something, 1978 Platform: Atari 2600 Genre: Puzzle Anecdotes: No, this is not the Human Cannonball from American Gladiators, nor is it similar. There’s no rope swinging here. The title is far more literal here. This would actually be a good game to teach geometry and physics, except… Continue reading Human Cannonball